The following scholarship and grant opportunities will open for applications on October 1, 2021. We’re happy to announce that this includes a renewed scholarship with AMERICAN SYSTEMS. War Veterans Scholarship Scholarships in the amount of $2,500 will be awarded to active duty or honorably discharged US military veteran part time or full-time undergraduate students. COL Kathleen Swacina Scholarship Scholarship in the amount of $1,500 awarded to an undergraduate or graduate woman student enrolled in a STEM major related to the mission of AFCEA, and attending college (including community college), or residing in, the state of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida or Alabama. Intel Diversity Scholarship -$3,000 awarded to full-time students, pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree (Masters or PhD) at an accredited academic institution -Applicants must be under-represented minorities (e.g. women, racial minorities including identifying as Black, Latin/Hispanic, Native American, etc.) -Applicants must be either a current member of the Armed Forces, have prior military experience, or be a Gold Star Family Member VADM Samuel L. Gravely Memorial Scholarship Two $2,500 scholarships recognizing students enrolled in a hard science or technology-related degree-granting program and attending a four-year Historically Black College or University (HBCU) in the United States. Thank you!  |